Rock On!
And welcome to Bill Barton Games, publisher of the award-winning So Ya Wanna Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star! A Rock 'N' Role-Playing Game!--the game created by William A. Barton, designer of Chaosium's Cthulhu By Gaslight and contributor to other adventures and supplements for Call of Cthulhu (as well as the late, lamented Superworld) and co-designer of Steve Jackson Games' GURPS Space and contributor to many other GURPS RPG supplements and adventures.We've been away for a while, but now we're back and we're once again making available the only role-playing game that lets you fulfill all your dreams of becoming a far out, in the groove, real-life Rock 'N' Roll Star! (Well, at least in your RPG personas. . .) We're just starting out making our presence known on the Web, so this site is (obviously) still under construction (and will be for a while). But we plan on bringing you plenty of information about our premiere Rock 'N' Role-Playing Game--including errata, upcoming new adventures, and other surprises. We plan, too, on offering up news on other topics of interest to us--Victorian Gaming, SF, and just a lot of rock 'n' roll wackiness in the spirit of So Ya Wanna Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star! |
In the meantime . . .
If you'd like information about So Ya Wanna Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star!--how to order it, what the heck it is, and what's coming up for it--drop by our contact page for information on how to contact us (mainly by sending us a SASE along with your questions). Or send us an e-mail at the address at the bottom of this page (or on the Contact page--we employ effective redundancy).You can also visit your local game stores and friendly neighborhood distributors and ask them to start carrying our game. (You won't find it for now except in a few select stores and maybe in a couple other places on the Web, but we're hoping . . .) And if you'd actually want to go whole hog and order a copy of the game, well . . . here's how: |
Rock On!
With Bill Barton Games' award-winning RPG, So Ya Wanna Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star! A Rock 'N' Role-Playing Game! Now Available! |
Here's How to Order
If you don't want to take the time to jump on over to the Contact page, here's what to do: Send a check or money order (the latter if you want to get your game more quickly) for USD15 p.p. (what a deal!) to: Bill Barton Games P.O. Box 26290 Indianapolis, IN 46226-0290 Please allow 2-3 weeks turnaround time if you're paying by money order and 4-6 weeks if by check. Sorry, but we're not currently set up for credit cards. (But we're working on it.) Note: For overseas orders (anywhere but the U.S. and Canada), please add an additional USD5 for the first game and USD2 for each additional item. For more info, send that SASE and we'll send you a nifty flyer and additional details. (Close enough for rock 'n' roll.) Or send us an e-mail at the following address. And keep on rockin'!
Send an email
What--You're Still Here?
Hmmm, you're not running out to pick up a money order to send off just yet, eh? Well, then keep checking back here at this site (feel free to bookmark it to help you find us again) to see what we do with it. Check the What's New page for updates (most recently as of 7/23/01!). We'll tell you about the great things we're planning--for example, how you can really become a rock 'n' roll star right here on the site (honest!)--as we get them up and running. Look for a few graphics as we upload them, as well as pages full of something other than filler (a real Thriller)! And keep one hand wrapped around the fretboard while the other whips up hot, screaming rifts from here to Liverpool, Haight-Ashbury, and all points in between! What else can we say but--Rock On! |

More Fun Than A Barrel of Beatles?
We think so, but hey--we're the publishers! Try it out yourself, and we think you'll agree. (And if not, you can always use it to sit on at that next rock concert held in a muddy field.)
Tell us about your favorite concert! |