
About Bill Barton Games

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Gaming By Gaslight

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Latest Update: 8/28/03
Latest Updates: Important Notice: The modem where our e-mail is forwarded was fried in a recent storm, so if you've sent us an e-mail in the past month and a half (since July 18, '03), we didn't get it. We've set up a new account for mail forwarding with the host site until we can replace the modem. The new account should be working by 9/3/03, so please resend any earlier e-mails for which you've not received an answer after that date. We're sorry for the inconvenience, and we thank you for your patience.

We're getting ready to start adding Victorian-related links to our Gaming By Gaslight page, as well as other links to our Favorite Links page (for sure this time), so check back periodically to see what appears. We're also working on the first issue of our Gaming By Gaslight newsletter, which we also discuss on that page. Look for the announcment for the first issue right here.

Updates, 5/24/01, 7/23/01, 8/11/01, and 3/1/02: Well, we've finally got a cover image of our Rock Star game up on the Products page, with some game info, plus our logo on the home page. (Although we're having problems with image sizing on the site. But at least you get an idea of what things look like) See also the Gaming By Gaslight page for a special announcment about coming Victorian role-playing opportunities--and updates on even more Gaslight-era RPG possibilities for the future!

What's new other than that . . .? Well, actually, the entire site is new, but it's still under construction. But as we get up to speed, we'll be telling you right here what's new on the site, so keep checking back here, okay?

What's New at Bill Barton Games?
Check back here soon for all the new stuff we're adding to the site--really soon (we promise!).